

25/26 HASCO SNOW NEW MODEL Test Ride Pre-Registration Form

If you wish to participate in the HASCO Test Ride, please enter your information using this form.
On the day of the test ride, HASCO staff will confirm the receipt number of the auto-reply e-mail.
Please have your e-mail ready when you come to the reception desk.

*Please set your e-mail settings to be able to receive e-mails from "@hasco.co.jp".
If there is no mistake in the content, click the send button.
Full Name
Phone Number

Please enter a phone number where we can reach you in Japan.

Email Address
For confirming Email address
Hotel name or residential address in Japan

If you are staying at a hotel, please enter the hotel name. If you are a resident, please enter your address.

Preferred dates

Please check the preferred dates of participation (multiple selections allowed)